Isn't LED lighting expensive?
15 years ago, the answer may have been yes. However, like any other technology, over time the manufacturing costs have come down and the product is being made more efficiently, making LED lighting much less expensive. Even though we only use products that are made in the USA, most of the time our retrofits pay for themselves in less than 24 months.
What utility incentive rebates are available?
Utility rebates and incentives vary tremendously throughout the United States, and trying to navigate this ever-changing, often confusing landscape can be a daunting task. We are experts at ensuring that our customers realize the full benefit of not just the local utility incentive program, but also any State or Federal programs that may be available as well.
How will my light level be affected?
Each retrofit is unique, and factors such as the age and condition of the existing fixtures play a big role in determining how much of a change we will see in light levels.
However, our goal is always to maximize energy savings while also improving the aesthetics of the location. In most of our installations, we increase light levels by at least 20%.

Can I finance my
lighting retrofit?
Yes, absolutely! Many utilities have On-Bill Financing programs available, which are zero-interest loans paid back monthly from the savings generated from the retrofit. Once the loan amount is repaid, the customer reaps all the savings.
Additionally, under the right circumstances, Ryan Lighting may be able to offer our Shared Savings option, whereby we take on all of the upfront costs and structure your payments to be less than your monthly savings.
The result is no capital expense, a positive monthly net cash flow, and all of the benefits of the lighting retrofit without any of the upfront costs.

How do you calculate what my cost & savings will be?
A Ryan Lighting consultant will conduct a complimentary lighting audit and produce a customized proposal. We'll assess your current lighting and make recommendations geared toward energy savings and improving lighting quality. We'll calculate the kWh usage of your existing system, compare it to the kWh usage of our proposed system, and come up with the kWh savings. We'll then multiply that number by the cost per kWh in your area, and the result is your annual energy savings. We'll calculate the utility incentives, as well as any State or Federal programs you may qualify for, and the end result is a proposal showing you your Net Cost, Annual Savings, Environmental Impact, and Return on Investment.
A Ryan Lighting consultant will conduct a complimentary lighting audit and produce a customized proposal. We'll assess your current lighting and make recommendations geared toward energy savings and improving lighting quality. We'll calculate the kWh usage of your existing system, compare it to the kWh usage of our proposed system, and come up with the kWh savings. We'll then multiply that number by the cost per kWh in your area, and the result is your annual energy savings. We'll calculate the utility incentives, as well as any State or Federal programs you may qualify for, and the end result is a proposal showing you your Net Cost, Annual Savings, Environmental Impact, and Return on Investment.