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Shared Savings

Northern Lights

The following example is from one of our customers for whom we completed 2 projects in early 2020.


  • Project Cost: $430,000

  • Annual Savings from Energy Reduction: $285,000

  • ROI: Only 18-Months!


Due to the high energy cost savings, we were able to offer them 3 different Shared Savings options.


  1. 18-equal $24,000 payments at a break-even total and enjoy full savings amount afterward

  2. 24 payments at $18,000 each to produce immediate $6,000 in positive monthly cash flow

  3. 36 payments of $12,000 each to produce $12,000 in immediate positive monthly cash flow


This customer chose the 18-month option and over the 10-year warranty period, they'll save over $2.4 Million without any capital expense whatsoever. It was a no-brainer for them and they have been extremely happy with both the savings and the incredible upgrade to their warehouse lighting.


Contact us TODAY and see if we can do the same for you!

Our Customer's + Environmental Impact

  • Annual CO2 Reduction: 1,689,985 pounds

  • 5 Years: 8,449,925 Pounds of CO2

  • 10 Years: 16,885,850 Pounds of CO2

  • The equivalent of 254 Cars Off the Road

C O N T A C T  U S


(858) 427-3115


4425 Bayard Street

Suite 240

San Diego, CA 92109


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